About us

Bild zum Zitat

We generate knowledge to produce artifacts, and we develop artifacts to advance our knowledge.


The structure of the Faculty of Engineering is presented here in more detail in an organizational chart to provide a clear overview of responsibilities and persons within the faculty.


Scientific profile

The four profile areas represent a general outline of the research and teaching activities at the Faculty of Engineering.

Quality management

By establishing the heiQUALITY QM system, Heidelberg University is securing its medium and long-term success in the central university performance areas - studies and teaching, research and the promotion of early career researchers, as well as services and administration - and further developing their quality. Systematic quality assurance and development in the areas of study and teaching have created the basis for the independent evaluation and accreditation of study programs.

GUIDE – procedure for professional handling of conflicts and misconduct

In order to ensure respectful and fair interaction in a consistently positive working and educational climate at Heidelberg University GUIDE was conceptually developed in a long-term participatory process and is currently being put into practice. GUIDE's vision is to ensure that all people at the university are treated with respect in their studies, teaching and work.


All buildings of the faculty are located on the campus Im Neuenheimer Feld (INF) in the identically named street. Accordingly, there is a uniform numbering for the entire campus (INF XXX). For a schematic overview of the institutes, offices and centers of the faculty on campus, see below.