Emerging Computing
The specialization “Emerging Computing” deals with many different approaches to solve highly computing intensive tasks. Parallel, distributed compute networks with the corresponding interconnect networks are treated in detail on a hardware level, as well as the corresponding software approaches to efficiently use the hardware. Special hardware acceleration, like graphic cards (GPUs) or configurable co-processors (FPGA and others) are dealt with in depth with practical exercises. Efficient mathematical and numerical methods are presented.
2 compulsory modules:
- GPU Computing (Architecture and Programming)
- Performance Essentials for CPUs and GPUs
3 elective modules from:
- Reconfigurable Embedded Systems
- Embedded Machine Learning
- CPU Algorithm Design
- GPU Algorithm Design
- Consistency and Coherency
- High Perf. and Distr. Comp.
- Emerging Computing Paradigms
- Architecture and CAD for FPGA
- Energy Efficient Computing