
The faculty currently offers the interdisciplinary Bachelor's and Master's degree course in Molecular Biotechnology, the state examination course in Pharmacy, the Master's/PhD program Matter to Life as part of the Max Planck School of the same name and the Master's degree course in Computer Engineering. From the winter semester 2024/25, the innovative and research-driven Master's degree program Molecular Systems Science and Engineering will be launched. There are 862 students enrolled in the faculty's study programs (winter semester 22/23), 238 students started their studies in these programs in the academic year of 2023.

State examination degrees

Pharmacy - State examination

The pharmacy degree program qualifies graduates to exercise the profession of pharmacist. In addition, students acquire wide-ranging scientific skills that are also in demand in industry and many other professions.

Bachelor degrees

Molecular Biotechnology - Bachelor 100%

Molecular Biotechnology is a modern, interdisciplinary program. Students are primarily involved in the fields of drug discovery, bioinformatics and biophysical chemistry.

Master degrees

Molecular Biotechnology - Master

Molecular Biotechnology is a modern, interdisciplinary program. Students are primarily involved in the fields of drug discovery, bioinformatics and biophysical chemistry.

Matter to Life - Master

The Master's program Matter to Life is offered with a focus on “Molecular Systems Chemistry and Engineering” at Heidelberg University and “Complex Systems and Biological Physics” at the University of Göttingen. Following this, a direct entry into the PhD program in Matter to Life is possible.

Molecular Systems Science and Engineering - Master

The new Master's degree course in Molecular Systems Science and Engineering, the only one of its kind in Germany to date, is due to start in the 2024/25 winter semester. Through the interaction of physics, chemistry, materials science and the molecular life sciences, Molecular Systems Engineering creates a concept that promotes the translation of knowledge from the natural sciences into the life sciences and medicine, as well as the transfer to industrial applications.

Computer Engineering - Master

Students of computer engineering study the architecture, design and realization of computers, communication networks and embedded systems on the hardware level and the creation of hardware-related software.