The Specializations
These modules provide in-depth knowledge in one of four fields of computer engineering. Typically, students choose one of these specializations and pass 5 corresponding modules. Three modules are compulsory (depending on the specialization) while the remaining two are elective. Students who have passed the 5 modules required will get an addition in the grade report to confirm that they have in-depth knowledge in the specialization field ('major'). The diploma thesis is usually carried out in the specialization field. Please note that the choice of specialization modules is free (i.e. any combination is allowed), but a special indication of a major can only be made if the conditions above are fulfilled. The early choice of one specialization is the typical case, howewer.
Of course if you have a lecture already taken as an elective module for fundamentals (Fundamentals Elective), you can not select the same lecture a second time as an elective module for specialization (Specialization Elective).
The available specializations are described in more detail in the following.